We are fully booked!! please call 0794065017

Dear Friends,

You’re invited to Chabad Esra’s milestone celebration. 

Please join us on Friday, April 5, 19:00

in commemorating 32 years! 

Please see the accompanying invitation.

RSVP by March 29. Space is limited so please reserve ASAP.

Price for adults: Fr 60.-

Children (ages 4-11) Fr 30.-

  We look forward to celebrating with you!

gala Invite (002).jpg 

Family Name:



PLZ / City:



Amount of Adults:

Amount of Children:

(children are seated at a children's table)

Names of those joining: 

Please choose your form of payment:

I will pay directly to Postkonto 87-703318-6

IBAN CH23 0900 0000 8770 33186

Please send me a Einzahlungsschein/payment slip

 With Credit Card via PayPal by clicking here    Pal.Me/ChabadEsra

Comments and special (seating) requests:


I am / We are visiting Switzerland:

For more information please contact

Rabbi Sholom Rosenfeld @ 044 383 9304 or [email protected]

